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AX Meetup | How to turn special data into special texts and stand out from the crowd! von Meetups, Webinars & other Events
Zur Eventübersicht:
The more sophisticated your database, the more opportunities you have for automated text.
For this reason, we have Sebastian Klumpp, the founder of XPLN, as our guest at this Meetup. His innovative technology provides an up-to-date database of prices, inventory and customer reviews. This allows businesses to not only make more informed decisions, but also create content that is truly valuable to consumers.
What exactly is this data? And how can companies use it to optimize their copy to create more purchase incentives and improve their ranking or market position?
So that it doesn't just remain theoretical, Saim Alkan will spontaneously transform some data examples into effective texts live! Join us to find out what data collection options are available with XPLN and how you can use them effectively and above all automatically for your product communication.
➡️ What is special about the data XPLN collects?
➡️ How can this data help you optimize your copy?
➡️ What valuable information can be gleaned from the data?
➡️ Sebastian Klumpp, CEO, XPLN
➡️ Saim Rolf Alkan, CEO and Founder of AX Semantics
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